impact | and more peace of mind

We are making an impact, that is most certain. The question is, “are we making the impact we want to make?”

Christine, co-founder of On Friday here. We wrapped up 2024 with IMPACT and this had me reflecting on what I was most impacted by in 2024.

What impact I make?
Where do I want to make an impact?

Kate Ross LeBlanc was one of our IMPACT speakers, founder of Saje Wellness. She spoke to us on conquering what she calls, the ‘Dangling Participles’ of our lives – the things we put off which are nagging things that haunt us, big and small. She reminded us that when we deal with our own 'dangling participles, what arrives is Increased Peace of Mind & Increased Energy Levels.

Who doesn’t want to feel more of this?

Her methodology is brilliant, and simple.

  1. First, name your dangling participle.

  2. Second, tame it (more on what taming it means, below).

  3. Third, “act as if the whole world is conspiring to help you!”

  4. Fourth, don’t judge.

  5. Fifth, remember, “hard things are hard”

What does it mean to tame your dangling participle? Let’s break it down. It means…

  • Identify what’s the worst-case scenario?

  • Remember to ask for help from your people & network.

  • Bookend a hard conversation with time with a friend to enjoy and cool-off.

  • For focus, act on only one participle per week, no more.

  • Ensure your action is something you can actually do.

Beyond this brilliance was a shorter moment—one of my favourite parts of her talk. She shared the cadence of her regular “check-ins” with her husband. This is interesting to me, because I know the impact I want to make & am here to make is first within my own home.

Here’s their rhythm together, and we are sharing in case it inspires yours (it inspired me!).


The Beast: their shared calendar (work & personal)
Dangling Participles: share


What’s hard?
What are you pondering?
What are you celebrating?

And the most soothing part of all was her closing reminder, which I inhaled all the way to the bottom of my stomach when thinking about my impact.

“Relax into the goodness that is to come.”

It was a heart-felt and powerful talk. Hard & soft. It’s how we do at On Friday.

Other Speakers who spoke on IMPACT with replays available in our library include:

  1. Success Reimagined, with Erika Royal

  2. AI & it’s Impact, with Jeanette & Mike

  3. Standing in our Authority, with Deb Gabor

  4. Civility, with Shelby Scarborough

  5. How Money Mindset Blocks Your Impact In Life, with Vanessa Bowen

Women, we want to hear from you.

What doesIMpact mean to you? Share with us in the comments in our in Instagram DMs. 

To our women who are part of our virtual program, the replay is available in our Replay Library private portal.

New to us?

You can subscribe here and receive access to our private portal talk with Kate and so many other incredible speakers. We meet virtually on Friday 12:30-1:30pm ET to hear from an extraordinary woman.



clarity | a more intentional way of being


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