peace practice
from our live preview event
As we move through even in the busiest of seasons, we want to offer a reminder that you may always find peace amidst the chaos.
When we first gathered in-person at our Preview event, we explored the notion that our wellbeing matters right now—it’s not something for us to wait and tend to at some later date when there is more time or money or we’ve hit some milestone.
We want to share a simple practice with you. This is a wonderful mantra and practice to carry with you—and use anytime, anywhere.
from our live preview event
We’re here to dismantle the “go, go, go” mentality. And to replace it with the sensibility and awareness of being: how am I being right now?
It’s a shift from the priority of solely doing, to an awareness of being.
We know that if we are not being, and we are not feeling good along the journey in business and life—if we feel chaotic, stressed and exhausted—then when we reach the ‘goal’ or hit the profit margin, or make the sales target, it may not feel the way we had hoped it would.
It may surprise us that we still don’t feel like we are enough or perhaps we don’t feel much at all.
In a chaotic, stressed, pressured and exhausted state, we cannot feel our own joy.
So how can we re-wire ourselves now to lean into being and feeling good in this moment versus doing and mechanically pushing our way through?
Being helps shift us into a smoother, more regulated state in our bodies and minds.
It is our mission to help women shift into a more regulated state. We believe a woman who feels regulated and steady, can enjoy her life and business and all of the goodness within it, even more.
Christine has recorded the Peace Begins With Me practice for you to on our On Friday SoundCloud, or uploaded below.
The Practice—
Eyes closed (if you can). Breathe into your heart & belly. Repeat these phrases as many times as needed:
Peace begins with me.
Peace is within me.
You may even gently press your thumb on each finger with each phrase as you repeat, to experience the tactile feeling of connecting to your body and bringing your focus inward. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
Remember, you can use this practice at any time when you feel a way that you don’t want to feel. It will help to ease your mind and guide you back to center, towards your heart.