A recap for you of Season One, session one, of on-Friday.
At on-Friday, we bring women together to build businesses, nurture well-being and inspire meaningful connection.
The theme woven throughout our first session was CLARITY, where “I trust in my own inner authority” was pivotal.
A reflection in our first session was: “What if this was the season where you finally stopped living your life from a place of believing you have to do more to be enough?”—words by Emmie Rae.
In reflecting upon these words, we explored CLARITY within our business, ourselves, and our wellbeing. We chose this space and connected with each other because we truly believe that where we go in a group, we can go so much further.
When done together with others—being witnessed and seen by other women—this work is powerful.
We tune into two primary suites of content at on-Friday—businesses and wellbeing.
Our Business suite of content centered around refinement to make space for category leadership, expert positioning, business evolution and systems repeatability. We were guided to uncover our own innate abilities.
Our Wellbeing suite of content centered around what to do when we are unclear— tools, rituals & practices and how we can use our minds to shift our thoughts— limiting thoughts to liberating ones—to cultivate clarity.
Christine also led a fireside chat in conversation with our guest Dr. Meghan Walker. We listened to Meghan share on the topic of Clarity from her perspective as a woman, entrepreneur and mother.
May you enjoy these photos and feel the vibrancy and vibration of women, coming together in conversation and creation.
View the full slideshow here:

May you feel renewed by our time together. May this be a moment to slow down and listen.
On-Friday Full Series offers 6 workshops, every other month, in person, in Toronto. Our themes include: Clarity, Rhythm, Creativity (bonus!), Transition, Relationships, Wealth and Courage. The Full Series, Season One, is now closed.
However, you can join us for any or all of the remaining sessions, a-la-carte, by way of registering for Experience OF on the Events page, choosing the date you desire to participate. In each session, we dive into content for business and wellbeing, we hear from a woman we admire for a fireside chat intimate gathering, and we gather and connect for cocktails and kombucha. See the full Events line-up, or check out our Speaker list.