November 8: Following Dreams

Jenny Feterovich

Jenny Feterovich landed in Detroit in 1989 with only a suitcase and $100 to her name. In this inspiring discussion, she’ll take us back to her childhood in Soviet Russia and demonstrate how tapping into a sense of relentless optimism led her to become a successful entrepreneur and an award-winning film and TV producer. (Including a hit show on small business.)

Jenny pulls back the iron curtain on self-doubt as she walks through the steps needed to channel courage and determination in order to succeed, even when all the odds are stacked against you.


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Jenny Feterovich is an award-winning TV and film Producer known for the hit TV show START UP and the award-winning feature length documentary The Russian Five. She is the Executive Producer of Muse Production House and co-founder of Parliament Studios. She’s a lifelong entrepreneur and small business advocate, focusing on empowering women and immigrants in business. Jenny also made a name in the music world as the globetrotting DJ Jenny LaFemme and co-creator of Girls Gone Vinyl, an organization that highlights and advances women in electronic music.

Jenny has created several corporations, worked with several Fortune 500 companies (including American Express, General Motors, State Farm, Jaguar Land Rover, UPS, Microsoft, GoDaddy), and has travelled as a motivational speaker. She has spoken at DIG South, SUP-X, and Detroit Startup Week. She also volunteers for nonprofit work around the world, from Habitat For Humanity to Godmothers Detroit.

Jenny is currently working on a series of books on entrepreneurship based on the hundreds of small business interviews her show has conducted over nine seasons.

All virtual sessions take place on Fridays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm EDT. Replays are available for one month, within the membership portal.


November 15: Beware of Dangling Participles


November 1: Working Without A Plan